Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hotmail Went To Small Letters

The Philosopher's Stone

The Chinese lend the U.S. money which they then can buy all the nice things that make the Chinese. Why does it work? This can keep the Chinese people their jobs! And then come the Americans to complain and you took away the jobs of foreigners (which is the illegal immigrants right part). Maybe
must collapse the dollar and thus the hegemony of the United States simply to reflect the insight that one does not produce wealth in a printing press, but with his own hands.
Otherwise we would have found what mankind for thousands of years studied: the philosopher's stone.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Milena Velba Bus Gallery

The tree of liberty

This Blog with a single goal: He should give me the opportunity, anywhere and at any time, step by step, my thoughts and ideas into a functioning liberal state and Economic tswesen to collect and publish. Consequently, it is mainly going to pamphlets which explain the theory, but depending on events on the world stage, I will not take me to my personal comment to let this leave.

The title of the blog, "The tree of liberty", is derived from quotes and writings of the founding fathers especially from the United States of America that freedom is often general in pictures specifically described as a plant or a tree. The paraphrasing, I can only agree. For as a tree, the freedom of constant care does otherwise vine plants, fungi, mosses and bark beetle him piece by piece through holes and suffocate. If one cares but the tree, it protects everyone with his crown from harsh weather and can eat its fruit each. Just as a tree to free societies predominate in the storms of political and economic crises without breaking.

How such a society, in my opinion, can be created in detail, there will now be so soon on this blog.