Friday, July 16, 2010

Baby Congratulations Prose

politicians demand uniform clothing - school clothing against bullying?

against bullying and for "social relief

Berlin (RPO). Given the fierce rivalry becoming about expensive designer clothes politicians of the CDU and SPD to a further stage on the introduction of uniform school uniforms have made. "School uniforms can convey the feeling of togetherness," said CDU executive board member Cathy Rich. more ...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How A Scorpio Man Acts In Love

dispute in the network

insult, embarrass - Bullying is not only in Germany's classrooms is a problem. The Internet is now one in five young people as victims or perpetrators be affected by cyber bullying.

funny photo montages Diandra had seen on the net always welcome. But this picture made her cry. "It was a girl out to .. See, it was disgusting, "she says and laughs embarrassed the girl had her face but the body of a porn actress, the manipulated photo, the 12-year-old student one day found on the Internet - after they had had a fight with a classmate

. "You feel it as if the whole world was against you and you will verbuddelt in a deep hole," says Diane. Nor could they remove the image quickly and present their classmates to task, but there is the shame and fear. they had become much more careful with whom they have at school and on the Internet use, says the dark-haired girl.

A film on bullying on the internet

Diane would like to warn other young people before too carefree surfing on the net. Therefore, it has in common with four other students from the documentary "dispute in the network" turned the media project Wuppertal. She now hopes to reach young people as many other users with it. Chances are, says project manager Andreas von hearing. Many DVDs were already ordered by schools and youth centers.

The media turns teacher since 1992 with youth films that are presented to the general public - in Wuppertal theater, festivals and distributed nationwide as DVD production. "There is a great interest in the issue," said of hearing. "More and more young people experience the negative sides of social networks "Next / source., 5773320.00 html


bullying. the school - what information to parents, teachers and students?. www.mobbing-aid