Sunday, August 22, 2010

Recurve Bow Stabilization

Ok, now some news from me!

So on 3.7.10, I finally asked Fiona if she wants to marry me. Now we are engaged and the wedding is planned. It is hard to imagine on what you are because everything has to worry about. Who will be invited to the wedding? Where is the party? Yes because you can make thoughtful and that is also useful. But who is the altar of money? What color is the table decorations? (Must match the dress so) ...
It is quite exciting but also sometimes quite vain questions.
rejoice write soon be able to see more details! greet



Monday, August 9, 2010

Buttucks Rash Amd Itch

From the right moment - talked
From the heart

On the last day of a three-day seminar in July, I sat with the other at the dinner.
One of the participants asked me to drive them to the nearby train station in the next place.
We were each other a few weeks ago met with another event - and as far as my memory
to - could my "box" * they stand not already there. I had to do hands full with me, their "extra behave sausages" in the classroom and during meal times or her seemingly unshakable Duration-The-life-is-so-wonderful smile in combination to bear in a soft voice. Actually I could not remember when I was a man at last so to the edge of my self-control. (You might feel such a bull when he Torrero with the red cloth in front of him sees, after he has it decorated with the sharp spikes of the neck. Enough Until the horned animal is a breath of moving red to the powerful attack on the tormentors wild . loszugaloppieren)
And as I was almost proud of all this inner turmoil and physical discomfort just capped to keep it without her uncensored thoughts on my fling in the face. Phew! After three days it was done - politely leaving both sides and free from the increased interest, this woman still want to voluntarily take time. Life had other plans.
The list of participants to the next training was - yes, exactly: ih r name!
My stomach tensed as a reference to a moment of fear to face her again and not (to me) be sure to report that I can do it again her to go out of their way. Followed by a mumbling: "Well, the super, too." And I have a loooong time was trying to say even my participation. Until I am with my own extended conversation from a neutral position, observed and then made the decision that this person probably has exactly offer a terrific learning environment for me, yes can mean a real gift in terms of tolerance. True to the motto: "Every person you meet is either your teacher or your friend." I wanted them to look at now as a teacher.
From idea how I could give this man and truly appreciative feedback, what disturbs me about their behavior so severe that my gall always indicates full signal
, I was there still a long way. After all - I wanted to use the opportunity to work on me and went to the seminar. To me right to practice early in infinite goodness for the otherness of my fellow man, I committed myself to rule, to pick her up from the train. And a strange thing happened:
all the days I was surprised because I failed to wait at first BefindlichkeitsSchluckauf in everyday life. Only once - in the kitchen, there it was again - cleaning out the dishwasher - those few seconds Way of speaking and acting, for which I waited the whole time in Hab-eight position. And I felt instantly as the old resentment seized me, my body tensing in defense and fighting spirit to her at last to tell the opinion.
Somehow we were both in our "doings" with each other and aware of the idea of the right moment fizzled again unused. Until they travel to the station at the seminar last night. We were just in time. So - purely luggage, belts created and gas. And unexpectedly, he was there: the right moment! That gap in time that opens a door to unlimited possibilities. And finally I could say what I had long since
want. All that concerns me since the first encounter and in their behavior so excessively excited had, as I have taken from us true, how grateful I am that we are together again encountered and how relieved I was that I was all with joy and could express love for them on the eight kilometers to the holding station. How do they respond? Surprised and pleased and excited, even to give me a heart-to-heart-feedback that was much new and valuable for myself ready. And so this ride full of honesty, laughter and anticipation ended in a reunion.
The greatest reward for me is since the trust that the correct Moment is always when it comes to speaking from the heart

* Box. Better known as a belief system, ideology, mentality, self-image, personality, comfort zone or defense strategy. It consists of beliefs, assumptions, expectations, reasons, opinions, values, memories, prejudices, fantasies. . Serves primarily the survival
more see: book, Clinton Callahan, true love in life