violence and bullying among youth
In Germany, a debate over integration. It also deals with problems of migrants and children. A local visit with impressions from daily life of German and non-German youths.
Nina comes from Kazakhstan, the parents of Nicolas came from Portugal, Yann has a French father. Jan is German. On a sports field in Bonn in Nordrhein-Westfalen, they play football together. They make it by accident a microcosm of cultures. A quarter of residents in this district of Bonn are Tannenbusch German.
All young people here would German, speak the common language is the basis for dealing with each other, "says one. "From childhood days to grow on you with other cultures, and then you get used to holding it," says Nicolas.
were 40 years ago built the skyscrapers in the city center from the remote location, for the foreign staff of diplomatic missions. Which are to be no longer Bonn, but Berlin was the German capital, has moved. In 1999, the federal government moved to Berlin. Today live mainly ethnic Germans from Russia, asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. "Barracks" is the name of the German Jan drab apartment blocks. Included are unemployment, violence and Crime. At high school, it was not so bad because there not as many foreigners have found, says Yann. Nevertheless, he had there aggression and violence experienced. Literally with a black eye he had come of it. "When I go out at night, then in fairly large groups. And if something should happen, then we are just quite a few. I do not want to be racist, but it is bad."
family and the police stay out
Caption: closeup of the picture with the caption: Intercultural School The Tannenbusch Center is a shopping center - in an ugly concrete complex housed, built with an underground connection and adjacent gray apartment blocks. Tags About here it is loud. Children stand around. Zacharia is one of the leaders. The chubby boy spits his jelly babies on the street. Three years old he was when his parents are from Morocco to Bonn-Tannenbusch came. And Hilal has Moroccan roots. Both boys know how to provoke with tough sentences, and give some of the best.
The boys laugh. Other provoke them find okay. Not to be attacked. The Germans were actually quite nice. But they were a bad boy from Afghanistan. The need to go out of their way, they say. Ignore him. Once this was not successful. Since Hilal had been hit by a piece of chalk on the head. "I'm freaked out and got my free bag his head thrown. get in trouble for both. "A reprimand gave it to the teacher. And the parents would have imposed house arrest. admit Sometimes it blows. But the best was there, the family and the police all the way out to keep the boys say in unison. children of Moroccans, Syrians , Albanians, Kurds. Sometimes they are friends, sometimes enemies.
Tristesse are behind red brick walls
Dmitri and Vladimir friends. you live in the district of Bonn Brüser mountain. He was born in 1974, there are many red brick buildings and little green space . When the Federal officials moved to Berlin, apartments were released for resettlers from the former Soviet Union and other Countries. In most cases, keep the young people in the pedestrian zone. Many are aggressive, Vladimir has been observed. Most of them were Muslims who had something against German, he said.
Even Felix sees it that way. Not on the street, in a sheltered doorway he wants to talk about his frustrations of the soul. "Many have grown up in bomb areas and have no good social behavior," he believes the reason for the violence to know. The day before the first time he had again had a depressing experience, told the twelve year old school students. During the youth center he had been approached by a black-skinned and insulted. Although a teacher talked to the instigators, But Felix was prosecuted for it. His two friends had protected him, finally, "why was this a bit lightly made.
Felix says he is afraid. The most effective means is to take that out of the way aggressive. The teachers at school are overwhelmed. "They do nothing at all. The talk of a reprimand or leave detention, but where does not matter. If the it tells on, and then the detention because of a need, then that will only get worse."
Author: Karen Hunter
Editorial: Klaudia Prevezanos