Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Conversion W/w W/v Densities

What is freedom? - Final version

Prior to the demands and the consequent with the tasks of a society can be discussed, the priority of liberty is, there must be a definition of "freedom." Since the tragic events of 11 September 2001 in the published opinion instead twisting the concept of freedom. All this happens used to hide the sometimes far-reaching dimension of the restriction of civil rights before the average citizen. Important assumptions of law, such as the presumption of innocence to be abandoned and declared all citizens to potential terrorists. All this happens only supposed to protect us. The rule of law is turned into a police state acting preventively, which everyone identifies as potentially dangerous and subversive.

This is similar to a "suicide for fear of death." Instead of destroying the terrorists our rule of law, their alleged target, let us take the love itself Unquestionably, there are people who are evil want. And even some of these are unquestionably so desperate that they are willing to many innocent people and killing himself. But is the "International Islamic terrorism" is a skillfully by the group and state media blown conspiracy theory. Neither has said the "movement" in such a homogeneous and closed as is suggested, nor is there in the center of a diabolical mastermind of all actions are coordinated.

die each year in the Federal Republic of Germany 30 people by a blow from lightning. By terror in general, so do not even Islamist terror especially marked, since 9 / 11 died, not a single German. The terror in Germany is an unreal nightmare, as well as Bruno the poltergeist in my grandma's basement. But the loss of our freedoms, is all too real

loss implies a previous possession of something. However, one can not have freedom as a chair or a car, not even as intelligence or creativity. For freedom is no good as such and no formal qualifications but it is precious. So what is freedom?

is primarily the perception of diffuse and therefore their definition so difficult. Some contemporaries even speak of it, that there is no concrete definition of freedom. If this were so, the question arises how whole generations of people from their own initiative were shedding blood for something that they, for lack of definition, not able to fathom were. Not at all, there is no definition. They exist, but the problem is, as so often, the knowledge of them.

One common definition of freedom is "the possibility can not be forced to choose between different alternatives." But if in fact only the absence of any constraints allows freedom, none of us is really free. Be it through so obviously artificial constraints, such as cognitive programming through advertising and propaganda, or simply the natural urge to eat, drink or sleep - before there is no compulsion Escape. In particular, when the psychological effects of hormones and other mechanisms of our body is conscious, it is difficult to accept even a free thinking only, by the close to a free action can be. Take this free thinking even when separated from the physical body existent awareness, we lose the "Slip into the body suit" completely the possibility of objective clarity required for the freedom of choice. But maybe it's not that complicated.

the Brockhaus Encyclopedia, 1894, I found, possibly due to the lower temporal distance from the Age of Enlightenment, which in my opinion according to definitions apply. It states: "freedom [is] in general as much importance as independence, independence from external coercion [...]." This definition is the John Stuart Mill, is similar to freedom as' the independence of the individual from governmental and social challenges and constraints watched. Both definitions speak specifically of external constraints, as mentioned above, whether artificial or natural, are all part of what is known as the ego. They are part of our self and thus do not limit ourselves.

We are now forced once our body and its influences to let it wash over us. And ergo, the real existing clarity is looking for something that Stoic logicians, but probably never completely be found.

The world is ordered by reason, but led by emotions. The real existence is ordered by embracing valid laws. Our cognitive shortcomings make it impossible for us only to see the world as it is - a world as cold calculation on the basis of reason.

Many thinkers of liberalism argue in their search for a justification of freedom with natural rights, ie rights which every human being has unconditionally. The largest piece of work this Art is the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. is written there: "We hold these truths to be for that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

What is an inalienable right ? The notion of inalienability is among the most liberal, but libertarian guaranteed under an irrefutable assumption: namely, that every man is born with basic rights. This is referred to the case of negative rights. You must be granted by any government and written are to exist and to be effective. Specifically in the Declaration of Independence the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are called.

most important basis of this argument is the right to property. Man receives the property with the birth of himself His body belongs to him and therefore he does for every action of his body in charge. If the person is injured or killed, he is wrong committed and the offender is a thief on the human body. This is the justification for the rights to life and physical integrity. Weiterführend can be derived the right to self defense and therefore the private gun ownership are derived. Since each action happens in the human body to the responsibility of man he is completely free in his actions.

The work of the people, the value of his property. All that creates a man with his own hands his own while he is thus not a thief on the property of his fellow man is, therefore, through slavery or theft. The right to the pursuit of happiness is the right to retain the fruits of his labor and multiply. Thus the circle of the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the right to property. Instead of finding the reason for the inalienability of these rights, we have found another piece of legislation whose Determinism must be regarded as inalienable. Not rare to find so at this point the reference to Adam and Eve who were given dominion over the earth by God and therefore have a right to ownership of it. However, since it crashed with a theological argument, and rightly so, all too quickly on the wall of skepticism, we will instead address the question of what is actually a right and how can it be inalienable.

A right is nothing more than a guarantee. So a binding promise. A guarantee must be given by someone and locked. If one excludes the work of transcendental entities can only be a guarantor of this man. If you ask someone for a right, it may grant deny it or escape again. How can such a right can be inalienable, if it can be withdrawn at any time? Who else than you can give themselves an inalienable right, an irrevocable guarantee? The answer is, that's the only man able to defend his own right granted in the location is an inalienable right to possess. I speak in this context of "individual sovereignty", the power to act freely and justify this action in any form whatsoever, to be able to. Only the sovereign is To underline his own of his claims with appropriate stress white - Only he is capable of the title to himself and what he creates to be asserted.

George Carlin, an American comedian, said in one of his shows: "[...] people, I'm really sorry you have to spoil the fun, but is such a thing as rights, it not. We have thought of us. [...] Rights are just an idea. You are just invented. [...] In my opinion, can apply only one of two things: either we have unlimited rights or no rights. Personally, I lean toward unlimited rights. I am the Opinion I have the right to do whatever I want. But! If I do what you do not like something then you have the right to kill me! Where to find a fairer deal than this? "

This is admittedly a rather menacing look that easy to" remember the survival of the fittest ", but it is applicable as a basis for the first time. What Carlin describes the state of nature. Who would have rights, they must provide themselves. Who would like a protection of his rights, it must protect itself. As far as anyone is able to protect his rights as far as the sphere of his rights. The individually Weak subject here, the individually strong. And for that reason were communities such as family, tribe and, ultimately, complex societies. All these communities are alliances of the individually weak against the strong individual. They are groups that make an agreement on the individual rights of its members and what are the limitations of these rights are proportionate.

proportionality is a term in jurisprudence in particular in the issue of basic legal procedures always comes up. Not for nothing that he is after all an essential part of any legal opinion, which deals with the subject. Proportionality deals with the question of how far apart the restriction of individual rights of each participant in the group. The fight for the right balance between individual rights and the preservation of order and security in society is as old as man himself and the people will probably accompany it to the end of time or his ego.

individuals join together to give parts of their individual rights. They limit to create the sphere of their rights in return for a collective sphere. Weak individuals who find themselves together in a group, do so in order to defy a strong individual or another group. Close together to the martial state of nature to escape chaos. The task of a portion of their sovereignty, as the right of someone who commits them wrong address, even leads to the profit of collective sovereignty. The more rights and sovereignty of the participants in the company, whether voluntarily or under compulsion was once undecided, contribute to society, the greater is the power which it has potentially through other companies. Authoritarian and totalitarian nations managed to raise large amounts of goods and workers against companies, which they regard as their enemies. At the same time members of such communities do not usually lose only the rights of the property in their possession but also their ownership of her person.

sum up thus: The individual rights extend only as far as the individual is able to enforce against the claims of others. Several individuals restrict their personal rights by agreements to enforce their claims to the remaining individual rights more effectively against competitors. Consequently, any right that is not restricted by an agreement with the group, the freedom of the individual.

We have now clarified what the variable freedom. Through this Definition, we now know where we need to look to you to determine how free a society is. In conclusion, the question now but how free can be a society and must. This is the question of the principle of freedom.

Everyone is now a member of a society. It it begs the question how large should only be the freedom of the individual. This gives us a more decisive nature Note: The man has an ego. He is an individual. If nature wanted it would have been different for us, we like bees or ants would live in mindless collective. It is this experiment was repeated in human history undertaken in many places. Be it the fascists in Nazi Germany and Japan or the Communists in the Soviet Union or the People's Republic of China, they all wanted to create societies in which man gives up what is most dear to him: his ego.

is equally a man but not a hermit. He needs, as demonstrated his fellows for his own protection and seeks the community because it is his nature.

The title of the person's own best reflects the nature of man. The human being is an individual and belongs to no one but themselves the same time, but every man, from one another, suffering caused to be wrong, for discord in the community will nullify it. The man is completely free in his actions and can freely dispose of his body if he would not inflict that harm. Everything he creates in a lawful act that is his and he can benefit, so long as it harms no one.

The right to own property is inalienable because it arises from the nature of man and that's why a society can only be liberal when they investigated the people impose changes for a new nature, but lends itself so set up that it's human nature enables the development and also ensures the legality of his actions.

a free society that is characterized by that it gives its members the opportunity to use their property as they deem fit to prevent the same time they use it to the detriment of others. You must create the largest possible sphere of individual rights, which is limited by the smallest possible sphere of collective rights.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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... ?

Roger Federer has won for the fifth time the World Cup of tennis professionals. The Swiss was on Sunday evening by a high-class final against world number one Rafael Nadal 6-3, 3-6 and 6-1 and drew the same with Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl. Nadal on the other hand must this title wait.

Roger Federer has won the victory in a dream final against Rafael Nadal for the fifth time the World Cup of tennis professionals. The Swiss was on Sunday evening in a high-class final against the world ranked first with 6:3, 3:6, 6:1, and by closing the year with an impressive success from. Federer also moved to equal Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl, the final tournament of the season five times each also could decide for themselves.

For Federer it was after the victory at the Australian Open at the beginning of the second great success in 2010. Then Nadal took over the leadership role in world tennis and won successively the Roland Garros, Wimbledon and U.S. Open. "Congratulations to Rafa for his great year. I hope I have not been spoiled the holiday," said Federer, clearly the success of his biggest rivals enjoyed.

the 22nd Comparison of the two exceptional players, it was for denWeltranglisten Second-eighth triumph. Federer won it again in the third world championship duel with Nadal after he won the games in 2006 and 2007. The 16-time Grand Slam tournament winner took home for his World Cup victory, in which he remained unbeaten, 1.63 million U.S. dollars.

source. kicker.de

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Federer for the fifth time you jump again!

Since Friday is the day and waiting for the ski season 2010/2011 is over. The World Cup began on 27 November 2010 in Kuusamo (FIN) and ends on 20 March 2011 with the traditional ski jumping in Planica (SLO). Planned are a total of 26 individual and 5 team competitions at 16 sites in Europe and Asia. The absolute highlight is undoubtedly the Nordic World Ski Championships in Oslo, Norway in February next year.

re Ammann against Schlierenzauer?
with a duel against Schlierenzauer Ammann, one can not hope in this season with a guarantee. This fact itself has admitted the Swiss. He wants to focus on spine problems in the preparation of this winter on the Four Hills Tournament and the World Championships in Oslo. For this to Ammann has set an ambitious goal. In the capital of Norway, he would win that is most like the team medal for his home country, Switzerland. A mammoth task for the Confederates to their Olympic champion Ammann.

If the Austrians their dominance ? Keep
ins could sweat even in this season's Austrian. You must fear for the strong presence of Poland in the summer to their supremacy in the ski circus. Above all, it Adam Malysz, Dawid Kubacki and Kamil Stoch that the fans were thrilled with their jumps. In general, no other team in the width so as risen from Poland. Norway and Finland do not continue to see the Austrians surf the wave of success and have the summer with new training methods attempt to improve their jumps and technical upgrading.

the way, the visitors of ski jumping-news.de continue to see the Austrians as the team coming into the Get the most season victories is. Behind it a series Norway, Finland and Poland.

who keeps his summer form?
There are always athletes the surprise in the summer with great benefits, but can not manage to put them in the winter. Sun applies Daiki Ito from Japan after a brilliant summer and hope for his team. By major problems in recent years, the Japanese could now finally confirm its potential and for a longer period of time consistent performance . Show

can also look forward also to the Bulgarian Vladimir Zografski. He was in the summer at the Summer Grand Prix in Hinterzarten collect his first points at World Cup level. In Courchevel, it was then even better for him and he unleashed an excellent fifth place. Also in the Continental Cup, he celebrated continue to perform well and has been including second place twice at the COC premiere in Almaty. At other points in the winter, he can certainly hope so.

And what do the Germans?
Big questions have grown is also about the German ski team. After his top performances in the summer, it is hoped in the coming winter season, especially on Severin friend. Next to him, hoping Maximilian Mechler, in the summer could also show good jumps out in the winter finally put on foot in the World Cup. Mechler successful season is a long time (2003/04) and it is finally time to shine again on the hill. Worth, the man from the WSV Isny it anyway.

What are the highlights of the season?
The biggest highlight of the season is of course the Nordic World Ski Championships in Oslo 2011th On the two new plants on the hill of Oslo, Holmenkollen (after the large hill is named) who wants to offer an event of superlatives. Already, most of the tickets are sold out. Want to show off here, especially the Norwegians. Bjoern Einar Romoeren even stressed that his world championship in Oslo, it is even more important than the Olympics last year.

Another highlight is the sample's World Cup in just a few kilometers from Oslo Vikersund will be held the 2012 Ski Flying World Championships. Here you are working meticulously since the spring have to this, the largest ski jump in the world and to replace Planica ski flying as a place of tradition. In Vikersund should be possible for up to 250 meters.

is traditionally the next two highlights also the Four Hills tournament at. As favorites to win are now called Simon Ammann and Gregor Schlierenzauer. But record winner Janne Ahonen's not to be at this special event is already on the screen.

Bumps All Over My Tounge

dream final in London: Nadal vs. Federer

Rafael Nadal for the first time the final of the Tennis Championships reached. The world number one won on Saturday in London, his semi-final with the Scot Andy Murray 7-6 (7-5), 3-6, 7:6 (8:6) and take the final on Sunday at the Roger Federer. The Swiss swept (1:6, 4:6) Novak Djokovic from the square.

The Spaniard, who had recently with Roland Garros, Wimbledon and U.S. Open three Grand Slam tournaments won in series, sat down in a hard fought semi-final after 3:11 hours 7:6 (7:5), 3:6, 7:6 (8:6) v Andy Murray (Great Britain / No. 5) by. The Swiss Federer (No. 2) defeated U.S. Open finalist Novak Djokovic (Serbia / No. 3) 6-1, 6-4. The final match of the season, worth 2.6 million Euro Finals of the eight best players on Sunday instead.

"It was an unbelievable match. Even if I had lost, I would be good for my performance went home happy. I do not know how I will feel on the final day, but right now I'm really ready, "said Nadal after the effort. Federer against the Spaniard has a record of 14-7 victories.

Nadal had against Murray big trouble. The first round was won by Spaniard just in the tiebreak. After losing the second set the Spaniard turned in alright, but when the score was 5:3 and premium Murray Nadal missed his first match point. Then he gave up his serve and it went back into the tiebreak. Here Nadal was already back with 1:4, before his third match point with a crunching forehand to 9 Victory in the 13th Duel with Murray transformed.

Federer presented in the second semi-final e in strong form and was clearly obtained after the first set by a 0-3 residue not straight through two bring the rest. It was the 13th Victory of the Swiss in the 19th match against Djokovic .

Now the two tennis-Mage are again compared in a final, at 22 Times to be exact. It is the largest Rivalätät in sports history and we can and be sure that we get a tough, fair and exciting match served. The two have never disappointed us and ... the tension is already unbearable.

More about on ATPWorldTour.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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Bullying in the schoolyard - When children make children ready

By Dr. jur lawyer. Frank Sievert

A review of the book by Mechthild Schäfer, Gabriela Herpell: You victim! When children make children ready. The harassment report. Rowohlt Verlag GmbH 2010, 1 Edition.

If the jostling in the school yard just a little fun? The pencil case stolen shortly before the course starts a joke? The greeting without passing only an expression of bad temper? Or may be more behind it, if a child constantly in a school is the addressee of such incidents?

Oh, by Mechthild Schäfer and Gabriela Herpell, authors of the book: "You make sacrifices when children bullying children completed the report.." They have published a work that is primarily applies to teachers and parents of affected children. A guide on the one hand, but also a book in which much is made, how brutal can be children and their methods and how victims feel misunderstood by their parents and society often.

have as researched by the two authors in detail two fates, that of a student and the student-now a woman. In addition to these two stories more victims stories are described (of course the people are anonymous), interrupted by chapters in which cited scientific studies and recommended practices for suspicion of bullying and analyzed the history of bullying and explained. Here, the focus primarily to the fact that attention is drawn to the responsibility of the school, the school administration and teachers to prevent bullying in grade or pay from the outset they occur.

Because simple sentence structure and transitions between the stories of victims and the theory and practical tips can easily read the book in total, although some information is repeated throughout the chapter. A plus are the summaries, in which again the procedure described above is brought to the point. Very well continue, the Annex, are shown in which, among other things, the opportunities for "legal steps" for bullying in schools.

While life and suffering of the victims and the sometimes helpless dealing with parents and teachers with bullying are described in detail and are concerned people their say, both authors provide the motives of the perpetrators, however, many theoretical approaches. In this context, it would have been interesting to read in a chapter by a person of why he has bullied.

Conclusion: For teachers, the book is recommended that parents should be helpful for their child at a school victims of bullying.

lawyer Dr. jur. Frank Sievert

Alster Kamp 26, 20149 Hamburg

Tel: 040 / 51 97 94

Web: www.mobbing-lawyer-hamburg.de

************** ************************************************** **********

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Hey love her,
mitgrößter my dream is for the time being messed up, like a soap bubble. Yesterday I was working as normal as always .. Shortly before closing the message. I have not passed the probationary period, I had not seen the work, said no when I am said I should & could not photograph the & and above all do not work without someone looking over it again must. She always wanted to look over it, let me assist .. never But no, I ask my boss not there now as bad, but I have a different view on the whole, I have the entire place cleaned up when I could not find work or work on the PC I wanted was occupied. Well, I have cried hours, I do still .. It was my dream to become a photographer. I do not give the dream I had yesterday evening and today called a lot of photo studios, druchgefragt me. Everywhere a rejection 2 Search for next year. I want to go now .. and I will not give up ..
2 emails are still open in which I find either a job or a rejection. Aufjedenfall I will carry to school tomorrow even though I have to speak to 30 I leave .. no matter I will ask my teacher, classmates, etc. if anyone has any idea where I can go on .. perhaps it goes on for me. Evetuell also now all over. Maybe it was just fate and there is something better before me .. Maybe .. I know nothing.
I first fell into a deep hole and crawl out of there I have to again.
Wish me luck I'll keep you posted ..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Feel Pain In My Belly

Definition: statism

statism, from the French "Etat" - state; in English "Statism"
called an ideology of government, which sees the solution of social problems in state intervening act and the resulting interactions long term tyranny creates.

Government intervention
increase problems or create new problems and thus create even further in the premises of the liberties of the people to intervene. It should be noted here that statism is not active, the goal is to enslave the people. Quite the contrary: He only wants the best for society. The development of a tyranny arises from the inability of the interactions between government intervention and social problems to realize.

The statism is worldwide, but particularly in Europe, the prevailing government ideology.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christian Anorexia Recovery

homework is stupid ..

Especially if one can think of only on Sunday yes you the next Monday's school. Best to do the course in the bright, logically it is the day a little better shot ..

Well well I think it is only noticed when it was already dark, so try the best out of it. But come not clear ..

The task was an object with tele, normal & wide angle lens to photograph. Background and purpose should not immediately follow each other and the background to be restless. So far away from the candle placed book, you can see on any of the images but the result of nurtzung of tele-objective, fuzzy candle. Now have a few problems with the clips but that will think my teacher I do not see so closely .. just hope that my idea of fast tomorrow arrives at least a little.


Well .. It was just the last resort .. Thanks to my darling Mary, without you I'd be desperate: *

Sypmtome hypothyroidism:

- Swollen face with thickened lips and enlarged tongue
- swelling around the eye socket, to slits narrowed eyes
- Dry rough, and thickened skin, yellowish discoloration is due to the deposition of - carotene dye
possible - lots of gloss and shaggy hair, also hair loss
- Deep rough or even hoarse voice
- goiter (enlarged thyroid)
- weight gain without change in dietary habits
- constipation
- Slow heart rate, low blood pressure, enlargement of the heart
- circulatory disorders with abnormal sensation, often a feeling of "pins" on parts of the skin
- Slower reflexes, muscular cramps
- Cool, dry skin with a strong aversion to cold, because of the slow metabolism of the body temperature to keep it down, inability to sweating
- menstrual disorders
- Limitations of libido, fertility and potency (erectile dysfunction)
- Changing blood picture, especially high cholesterol

symptoms of iron deficiency:
are seeing even worse

- fatigue
- general reduction in physical and mental performance power
- forgetfulness
- impaired concentration
- nervousness, anxiety
- loss of appetite
- gastrointestinal disorders
- shortness of breath
- heart problems *
- dizzy spells
- increased susceptibility to infection
- pale, brittle, dry skin
- brittle, flattened fingernails
- cracked lips sting
severe hair loss, dull, split hair


PISM , we were celebrating on Friday, a bit tipsy, we were approached by a homeless man. None of these alcoholics zusäuft from that begged .. one needs it for food, one of us is even known for his funny Bette songs. He has been for me that day .. especially He told us that he was out of town, so in Koblenz the beggar-free is probably BUGA 2011 ..
(which I had a friend who works with homeless people get to listen but do not believe ..)
we gave everything we had, it was not much but he was visibly exhausted and grateful fell on the cinema's, he said there he would have the most chance ..

If ye loved ones of me with nothing more to report I have received a huge number of packages this week, but the Christmas gifts for friends & family I can not present here. Not yet!
I wish you a great week, I'll report in again.
LG Lilly

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sims Mac Cant Find Cd

Free Day? Not likely.

/ / edit:

I manage suspected as not to bring anything done today, the record book, I will probably also start to write only when my trial period has passed.
December 1. German is really much, so I'll probably get until Thursday to finish school on time.
& learn a lot. Especially Sozi is much .. So do not know when I sign this week again.

/ / edit end:

Hey my friends:) If

mans seriously are Sunday the only day of the week I have free (well, the only whole day). Otherwise, are usually only 4 hours I get free from 8. No matter, usually I then use this day & full-out completely. This day exploit? Nope!

I've emulate, of course I would have probably all rules, and yesterday had the day completely and fully for me, but I'm always too lazy to work or what to do and in 4 hours is not all that I then would have received today must make ready. (By 6 so we went to grandma!) I sacrifice my day off.

I once got a little to-do list compiled to record what needs to be done, or already is.

⋅ bathroom clean. clean up [√]
⋅ room. [√]
⋅ record book . Leave ⋅
school folder reordering. [√]
⋅ SUB-test for learning.
⋅ Learning for learning field 3.
⋅ German homework.
⋅ photos set date for operation. [√]
⋅ date for monthly tasks set. [√]

record book

times what I see so now so get on the series, I hope it all! So I lay's go and start with something not on the list is, I water my plant,

My Stained Essel D


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Disney Cars Diecast Release Date

Herbsti. x3

Hey dear ones, it does me

abysmal grief!
I have ever & 3 days no longer wished to speak, but now it is time. Finally, and I promise to write up & hurry back often. First
the private part: I vehemently deny almost every day with my mother and after this point in my whole family speaks only the most necessary to me.
'm honest, my also good because at least I have my peace.
your reasons for disputes are simply ridiculous, I am now not on a dare. (However, include the excuse: you can not help it with me long gone) Otherwise, I was now Finally the doctor, 2 times can even drop by my blood, I must get back to my thyroid tablets .. The 1 times after 4 engravers was still no blood. So to go back there .. directly at the 1 even though it was only with difficulty but it was me & is also a vein burst. Yuhu.
At work, everything is really great, my boss is looking for a salaried photographer who has concerns me a bit .. but I hope I am there until 1.12, because my trial period is over and then I will probably not throw out hopefully.
That's the private part of her ..

Now I've actually only pictures here & yes .. who are interested in a Photo Contest, - The survey (:

squirrels *.*

Ravenheart (;

love everything & a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Female Athlete Camel To

systemic crisis?

The question of the cause, haunts the current financial crisis not only by the press but also through surveys. "State failure or systemic crisis?" It says. We illuminate the question needs a little more detail.

trigger the financial crisis of 2008/2009 is unquestionably the real estate bubble burst in the U.S. was in 2007. Were awarded mortgages to people whose credit rating was questionable at best (so-called "subprime lending"). Steadily rising property prices animated Neubelastung the debtor to the "value added" of their homes with new mortgages. The whole thing was fueled by government programs to stimulate the housing market. Without end houses were built, approved without a correction of the market was. Stimulation was no longer able to hold back the forces of the market correction movement as September 2008, the levees broke. Property prices fell not, they fell through the floor - and polluted many Americans with mortgages that suddenly many times a were higher than the value of their homes. Loans, have recently been perceived as being a healthy, were now "junk bonds".

But why? If one has slept in the control authorities or was it even bribed to look away? Has capitalism failed? Had not the market, the situation must clean up much earlier? Who is to blame?

Our money is debt - because our debt is money. Money creation takes place in the modern banking system through the granting of loans. At the moment of signing a credit contract, the bank's balance sheet is extended by the amount in question. Any repayment rate not only wipes out the debt, it actually wipes out the money. What has the bank here of a loan? In the event of insolvency of the debtor but fails to repay, the trend of security to the bank. But banks are held at the security more interested in the interest which not, as such redemption, disappears from the balance sheets, but flows as a gain in equity of the bank. This interest has been generated, they were not part of the loan. But if money can be drawn only as a liability and interest rates are not part of this creation, where did the money come from to service the interest?
It is generated from newly acquired debt. Our monetary system resides therefore hold an inflationary dynamic that accelerated exponentially with time. Calls for a debt interest, the servicing new debt requires that interest by the pull back. This dynamic limits when it comes to be insufficient or no collateral is that you can borrow. Credits must be given to borrowers with increasingly deteriorating security.

We were then about the situation of the real estate crisis in 2007 that the collapse of significant parts the international credit system moved to the. The whole monetary system founded on debt could only be saved by the massive debt of the States which formed the short-term debt gap closed. As long as the states to enforce their unlimited powers necessary to the ownership of its citizens, as borrowers experience of last resort, will survive the monetary system.

But that can also meet this ability to quickly show their limits Iceland and Greece. If the amounts to be borrowed, in part, higher by far than the GDP of the debtor country, the interest charged by the banks are usually so high that after a very short time a government bond issued to finance the interest must be. First, such effects are in countries which either have long lived beyond its means, or the immense sums at short notice, as have applied for a bailout or stimulus package. In such cases, the debtor countries by debt and caught up with them to be recovered. As the housing bubble bursts then the "debt bubble" - and not a "borrower of last resort" is more in sight.
obsolete sooner or later the fate of each country uses a fault covered currency. By this time, the major banks, the debtor country is probably not once but twice.

The money is therefore responsible for what we call economic crises, but who is to blame? By no means is the market, because this attempt only the debts that were never met, leading to their intrinsic value back, ie zero. We were only too apathetic or just too stupid to realize this.
Nor have failed to inspectors or analysts, at least not in terms of the existing monetary system. Without Flattening the eyes of all in check and award committees, the system would collapse much earlier.
which examined the need for a scapegoat, plain to see in the mirror. Our uncritical, almost blind, Willingness of the colorful pieces of paper of the Central Bank and the zeros and ones have to use the banks as cash and we forged our children and grandchildren thick chains. If we are not in time these chains by a deliberate blow up currency reform, bloody conflicts, poverty, hunger and suffering are inevitable.