Monday, January 31, 2011
Kode Secrete Monopoly Spongebob]
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My Wife Thong One The Beach
Hello dear,
as the title suggests, it is Cute to the Monstr - Design Contest
a great thing to which I can only advise all graphics enthusiasts!
Designed along!
your design
Anyone can submit one or more designs. The design should fit the cute monstR Style (dinosaurs, monsters, animals, typo).
Submission information can
for sending her our T-shirt template to use that you can download below. Of course you can design your imagine completely different, the main thing is to recognize it well. For submission would a JPG file of about 1000 x 500 px.
print data
It is best if you design in a size have from 3000 px / 3000px / 300 dpi or vector graphics on hand if it is printed. If you have submitted a drawing that will possibly be modified somewhat.
There is no deadline. to
The template
Have fun, I ask questions themselves also take part, my video is this:

you I would be grateful if I am to infinity would vote. But just click on the 'like mir' button. The prerequisite is of course a FB account. Do not feel like this detour? Simply click here. Thanks in advance to support me <3 und viel Glück an die, die selbst mitmachen! :)
Best wishes and have a nice day
Monday, January 17, 2011
Shani House In Kundli
"We are happy with the way we are playing," said the Liverpool manager. "When there is a change in management there is a change in philosophy, training and how you prepare for matches and players have to adapt to that. They've got to believe in what we are doing and I think you can see the belief is coming back."
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Mercury Tv Tuner Card Driver Saa7130hl
Hey dear,

So that's basically it again, the contest participants should have received an email no later than 19h.
LG Lilly
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Black Dots In Paper From Hl 2142
"Kenny was not just a legendary footballer, he was the third of our three most successful managers - three giants. We are extraordinarily fortunate and grateful that he has decided to step in during the middle of this season."
Roy, wherever you go now and whatever are you up to now: good luck! It just did not work.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bluetooth Sticks Driver
Photo: @ H_Kovalainen
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Pinky Pon Star Wikipedia
Today: nationalization of private pensions Irish
As part of the efforts of Ireland are to get back on its feet now, the National Pension Funds used by the government to plug budget holes. These bunkers is a private pension fund in which investors for their retirement money. The expropriation of these funds is a crime.
The state breaks here the legal contracts of the Irish investors with a private contractor. The state makes itself no less than a vulgar street thief if he engages in the ownership of people without legal basis and without the consent of the citizens. In Ireland, shows the "strong state" that is currently, in which he is good: In the business of the club. As it says on the playground, "Give me your pocket money or are there kick!"
The role of government is the life, liberty and property to protect the people. If the state is not only no longer meets its responsibilities, but they violates, he legitimized himself against a practicing state without legitimacy is not only the right but the duty to resist. Like every citizen should practice his resistance is up the imagination ...
€ 10bn may be deployed from pension fund, says Minister
Europe's reaction to crisis perplexing and unfocused
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Email The Arrival Of New Baby
180 ° in 180 - Today: Dioxin scandal!
Once again, a food scandal! Dioxin in animal feed. First Ring: More controls are needed. Here, the food control in Germany are as sharp and extensively than in any other country. Admittedly, in particular the EU is trying to weaken the German Food controls more, but: Is it ever check the role of government, the quality of produced goods in a market economy?
A highly centralized supervisory body creates Lobbyists, only the necessary starting point. Instead of each intermediary must be lubricated individually, retailers and consumers alike rely blindly on the quality of the product, because Uncle Sam has indeed given his blessing.
on the open market every day and quality check every producer is aware that he is in constant competition with other competing for the favor of customers. If in Asterix village once again to hear the Verleihnix fish stink because they are not fresh, it will either try to bring the defect or will soon be supplanted by better fishmonger. This is already clear what is missing: the call through Village. So: In the future, but no calls for more controls on trial with the producer.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Antibiotics Causes Cloudy Urine
women are increasingly recognized as part of the emancipation of more rights and benefits. "Advantages?" Will ask the interested reader now. "Women have been disadvantaged by the nature, we compensate for it now. Because we still do not about all the same right? "Something like that would be the typical reaction. Let's look at the issue more closely to determine whether this argument is justified.
First of all, the tolerable theme of "all men are equal "or" all men are created equal by their Creator to be "clarified. With "like" is not equality, understood in the sense of uniformity, but the equality of rights. If all men are created equal by their Creator, it means that he used in the creation of all people the same way and made no exceptions. With its creation, all people are equal. You did not receive legal benefits of their birth. "Equal" always refers to the equality.
When I say "Anna should have more rights than man Benny, for she is a woman" I say in an abstract way: "A has more rights than B because A is a member of X." This abstraction could also form the following facts: "Adolf has more rights than Benjamin, for Adolf is an Aryan." I am well clear that the minority of the Aryans, except the American Indian tribe of the same name does not exist. Similarly, there are no minority woman or man, or black, or homosexual.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens, modern man broken down into many subgroups. It is divided according to biological characteristics such as race, gender, age, and even weight and muscle mass, according to social Factors such as merit or class in which he was born, with whom he has sexual intercourse, as he believes in what god or gods and how he or she worships. This is just an excerpt, but these are all properties.
If we assign people minorities because they have certain characteristics that we atomize society. First, limits on women, then single women, then homosexual single mothers, etc. A society which is increasingly fragmented only of lonely souls.
There are no minorities, only individuals with features. Instead to isolate herself because of the differences of these properties and split into smaller subgroups, we must recognize that we all have something in common: we are human. As human beings we are individuals. Even identical twins are never so that we can speak of an exact copy.
is if in old documents and writings of talk about equality, it's always about that all men are created equal. We get our rights because we are not black or white, or green, Muslim or Jew, are heterosexual or gay. We get our rights because we are human.
additional groups of people if we Grant rights just because they all have a certain characteristic in common, that means all other people discriminate. Thinking in groups of collectivism, and that is only the smiling visage of racism. If we accept instead that all men are equally blessed with the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, then we give everyone the same law, a fact of life and his fortune to find. If we recognize each person as a unique individual, then racism will disappear from the earth.
The correct answer to the question from the beginning is: "If you want that all are equal, you will not need any" cons " balance, because we are already all the same. You have to do only one thing. Recognizing that we are all equal "
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Should You Stay Home With Bronchitis
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
We, the German people, in the centuries the division has become strong, but in the decades of unity, pride by the size of our actions, but modest and humble by our mistakes, recognize them as universal truths that all people have the same inalienable right of full property gifted to her person, should therefore be that every person is free to proceed with his life as he thinks that what he creates with his own hands his property and that any violence against a person and his property, theft of its property and therefore is wrong. We, the German people, give us this Constitution to establish a State whose character on the solid foundation of these truths is based, at this to preserve for ourselves and our posterity.
part I [The Federation]
Article 1 [creation of the Federation]
(1) The sovereign states of Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg and the free cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are the free will of a covenant for the common protection and the promotion of trade. (2) This covenant is called "Federal Republic of Germany."
Art 2 [Colors of the Federation]
(1) The colors of the Federation are black, red and gold. {(2) Federal Capital is Berlin. {with the omitted 01/05/2011]}
Article 3 [of Germany and scope of the Constitution]
(1) The sovereign states and free cities of the Federation, hereinafter referred to as provinces, are the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. (2) other sovereign countries can join the league by law if it is the desire of their people. (3) This Constitution is only valid on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Article 4 [a citizen]
The sum of the indigenous to the peoples of Germany is the country people of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Article 5 [State violence]
(1) The { State power of the Federal Republic is the one section of the People of the Federal Republic, the other from the provinces. {}} Changed to the 22/02/2011 (2) The league meets this violence in a divided legislature, an executive and a legislative gesetzauslegende violence.
{Art 6 [law]
(1) Any reservation made through an institution of the Federal act must be made on the basis of a law. (2) Each issued by the Federation law applies equally to any who resides in the jurisdiction of the Basic Law. {02/12/2011}} added to the
Article 7 [of powers of the Federation]
(1) Federal States delegate to the federal government through explicit mention of the skills in which he may adopt law. (2) An extension of powers to the Federal Constitution requires a change. (3) Each without the necessary competence issued by the Federation Act is void. {Legislative powers to the Federal now Article 23}
Article 8 [tax]
(1) The federal government can levy taxes directly from the people. (2) The financing of the tasks performed by the federal direct taxation of the provinces. (3) Any tax collected will require the approval of the federal states and the federal people. {(4) of the federal government levies taxes of the states have in all provinces equally, but be levied in proportion to the number of underrepresented citizens. {02/12/2011}} added to the
Article 9 [International Law] {formerly} Art.6
, the generally recognized rules of international law as binding elements of the German Federal Law.