Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Dog Mouth Cancer Stinks

school conferences are also learning areas

What could be better than just once in the head clear and himself back into the role of the listener? Well? Well? Correct: Do not listen and keep your head clear and sound inside the "muuu" the Zen monks.

Well, if one is not just for this process and are also wonderful long talks that we would ideally verschriflichen can. Based on the aforementioned " mantra" I call it simply "Vortras. school conference Vortras are a special subspecies of the wonderfully monotonous 'rhythms of peace' . They are not only focused on relaxation, no, they also provide the reason (s) to active relaxation. In such conditions of absolute devotion content - as opposed to content to gave - one can remember everything much better if you let yourself be carried away to spontaneous drawings - see above ....

This is also the reason why many students stand in class and scribbling : show up to express it easily detected symptoms of learning Trance, is one of his classes on its way. Because: In the pre-hearing pupils take the main contents true grasp together the most complex relationships in a drawing and visual reference to all their hours of knowledge in an image.

Fascinating. Yet Sun easy to own 'body and soul experience.

If anyone can offer on this subjective theory of learning beyond a scientifically sound study to the creation of a demonstration lesson: I am looking forward to letters and on submission of the best students-lecturers visualizations.


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