Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sore Head Menstruating

The King has turned sixty ...

... and oh boy, how lucky lads were out to celebrate this special day with him. :-)

A lovely picture (click to enlarge) of some adorable lads, is not it? Joe, I love your socks. ; D


Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Ironing Board 2010

Ten years ago today

clock 14:00 It was on 4 March 2001 in Melbourne, Australia, as Formula 1 has been changed forever. On the day, exactly ten years ago, was a very young Fernando Alonso his first day as a Formula 1 driver with the team at European Minardi. At that time no one knew what will reach the shy boy. No one knew that he change the formula 1 for ever and all of Spain on its head is.

Ten years later we know more. Alonso is now two times Formula 1 world champion (between 2005 and 2006 with Renault) and grew to become one of the best drivers in the present. After a turbulent year for McLaren-Mercedes (2007), and a less successful return to Renault (2008), the Asturian is now before the second season as a Ferrari driver. 2010 he almost became World Champion for the third time and "only" a strategic error of the teams has prevented it. Well hopefully the Reds have really learned from their mistakes and !

Fernando Alonso anno 2001 ...

. .. and Fernando Alonso today. Much, much better ...;-)

On the third title for the man from Oviedo! Cheers!

The F1 2011 season begins on 27 March in Melbourne, Australia.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bollywood Showing Boobs Without Dress And Clothes

180 ° in 180 words - Issue 6

Today: 75% of Germans do not know what plagiarism is

This is one of the possible interpretations of the constant highs survey by Dr. AD Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and from. Who would be surprised even if the quality of government conditioning equipment? Obviously, but the media seem not to be able to identify which dimension has plagiarism, because the comparisons made there go from cheating to copyright infringement. When one casts a in a school exam on the leaf of the neighbor to try their hand at general knowledge that one should have actually learned, this is not comparable to a thesis which is actually a , its contribution to research in the relevant field. Nor is downloading the latest movie from Michael Bay rubbish plagiarize, at least as long as one does not claim to have him home-made.

Another explanation of the already questionable popularity of Mr. Guttenberg is the lack of awareness among the people for the concept of honor. A nation that has such low standards of honorable action that deceive a federal minister may, without fear of having to be brought to justice, it deserves cheated, lied to and robbed to be.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oldfarts Yourg

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brown Ewcm Before Period

Project: Constitutional Convention II

I would sorry the first thing that it took too long to finish the second part has. But I'm sure the other parts are simple and may be published therefore faster to me. But it was the correct construction of the legislature so immensely important part of a free constitution is that it must be done with proper care. However, I'm sure I've forgotten something, and this or that can be done better.

Note: There were changes in the meantime I am part! So I recommend to study this before.

Part II [The Legislative Power]

Article 10 [legislative body]
The institutions of the legislature are the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.

Article 11 [Composition of the Bundestag]
(1) The Bundestag is composed of five hundred fifty-five Members which are determined directly by the people of the Covenant in free, equal, secret and direct suffrage. (2) can make a choice in who reached the age of twenty-five years, at least ten years, the citizenship of the Federal Republic of Germany has held at least two years and resides in the constituency in which he is standing for election. (3) The duration of the mandate of a deputy is four years. (4) Each deputy must serve a maximum of three terms.

Article 12 [failure be a member of the Bundestag]
(1) If a Member of the Bundestag must fail its mandate promptly by a special election reassigned. (2) This authorization is effective only until the next regular election.

Article 13 [Election of the Bundestag]
(1) The Bundestag is entitled to choose who, aged eighteen years and citizenship of the Federal Republic of Germany has held. (2) Every citizen has a voice with which he determined a candidate from his constituency. (3) The three candidates with the most votes won, members of the Bundestag. (4) The weighting of the votes allocated to a Member of the Bundestag, the sum of its component Voters. (5) The federal government leads by three years after entry into force of the Constitution by every ten years thereafter, a census of the population, and entirely devoted to establishing the number of voting citizens and their place of residence. (6) The election districts are divided on the federal government so that the population represented by each deputy is approximately equal.

Article 14 [President of the Bundestag]
The Bundestag elects the beginning of the legislature from among its speakers to the Bundestag president.

Article 15 [First Federal]
(1) prior to the first term, but after the election of the first Federal Parliament, elected under this Constitution, the election is limited to two hundred seventy-eight members drawn by lot to two years. (2) The election for the first parliament, according to this Constitution shall, exactly one year after implementation of the Constitution and then just every other year.

{Comment The consequence is that every two years half of the credentials-negotiable} Article 16 [Independence of deputies]
(1) No Member of the Bundestag may simultaneously hold another term of office or office or in salary depending on a other posts. (2) Each deputy receives from the federal treasury an expense allowance of an appropriate size. (3) changes the level of compensation will only enter into force for a mandate when it was newly assigned by choice.
{Comment: Preventing this is occurring the elected representatives, judges in their own right if it determines the level of the diets decide}

Article 17 [impeachment]
the Bundestag can with a three-quarters majority for the impeachment of the Chancellor and / or his ministers . tune

Article 18 [Composition of the Bundesrat]
(1) The Bundesrat is made up of council members, which are determined by the governments of the provinces and approved by the parliaments of the Länder. (2) each state will be five council members seconded. (3) may be appointed to the Federal Council member who attained the age of thirty-five years, at least fifteen years a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany has held at least five years in the State is resident. (4) The term of office of the Federal Council member is three years. (5) A Council member may serve a maximum of 2 terms. (6) Each Council member has one vote in the Bundesrat.

Article 19 [Federal Council President / Vice Chancellor]
(1) At the beginning of term of the Chancellor, elect the members of the Federal Council from among their number a spokesperson for the Federal President and Vice-Chancellor. (2) This represents the Chancellor in his absence.

Article 20 [Independence of Board member]
(1) No member of the Council may not simultaneously hold another mandate or are in the wage function of another. (2) Each council member receives from the federal treasury an expense allowance of an appropriate size. (3) changes in the level of compensation will only enter into force for a Federal seat when it was occupied by a new Council member.

Article 21 [legislative initiative]
(1) Each member of the Bundestag and Bundesrat is always authorized to introduce a bill. (2) Every citizen of the nation is authorized to introduce a bill, if it support can boast a number of Germans with their signature corresponding to at least the number of people are representing on average by a member of the Bundestag.
555 seats / 3 MP = 185 constituencies
~ 62.200.00 voters (in 2009) / 185 constituencies = 333 000 people = 1 electoral district
333 000 citizens / 3 MP = 111 000 Represented per Abg.
111 000 = number of citizens represented by one delegate = Mindestunterschiftenanzahl petition for}

Article 22 [Legislation]
(1) Any proposed legislation must be by the Bundestag and Bundesrat with at least two-thirds majority be accepted. (2) a bill to amend the Constitution has the effect, it must be adopted by a three-fourths majority in the Bundestag, the Federal Council and by the people. (3) The total or partial release of the federal power, like some sort of institutions that are not part of the state, requires a constitutional amendment.

Article 23 [Competencies of the Federation]
The federal government has legislative jurisdiction over: first
relations with foreign countries;
second nationality, freedom of movement, immigration and emigration and extradition;
third the federal defense;
4th care for veterans and surviving dependents;
5th the foreign trade and trade between the states;
6th the weights and measures;
7th the road transport sector, where it is the states borders on exciting roads of general traffic or for the federal defense; (amended 12/02/2011)
8th maritime, offshore and coastal fisheries
9th Aviation
10th the space

Article 24 [Fundamental Rights]
Independent of the authorization of the federal government through the states of the federal government does not enact legislation which:
first violate the dignity of man;
second restrict freedom of thought and opinion and expression thereof;
third the law change in public restrict rooms to peaceful assembly;
4th the exercise of religious practices and customs that harm any third party directly restrict;
5th the establishment of civil associations that do not serve the stated aim to harm third parties directly restrict;
6th the right to own and bear arms and use to protect their own lives and limit property;
7th Civil commitment for military service;
8th Citizen-soldiers or commit to accommodate other members of the alliance against his will with him;
9th the search or surveillance of a citizen without allowing sufficient reason to suspect;
10th the seizure or control of property of a citizen without sufficient reason to believe, without explicitly stating the location and / or article of monitoring or allow searches; {K.: This figure of course included accounts, hard drives, web space}
11th the restriction of freedom of a citizen without allowing public hearing, and adjudication by his fellow citizens;
12th a public or private institution with a monopoly on money creation or coinage grants.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Southpark Studios On Ipod

fairy dust for the world.

image and editing by me (:
ah stands there, yes. Like? Do you want to see something more?

Greetings x3

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Dog Is Slightly Dragging Legs

statism is slavery - Statism is Slavery

Disclaimer: The opinions of this video do not necessarily reflect my opinions. The content of the video features Mike Shanklin responsible. The translation is done by me.

Many people today have trouble to understand how society works. Although they detect that something was wrong, even if they do not understand the root cause of these problems well. The reason for this is that it is often difficult to grasp something that the opposite is our education and conditioning. In some cases, individuals hold firmly to the political system to create in the great hope of a better system. The question we must ask is: "What is this system? Which enable and support these people?

The answer? Statism.

The definition of statism from Merriam Webster. "Concentration of economic control and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government, often with ownership of industry by the government"
statism is a philosophy, a political movement describes what the state uses to achieve goals. Statism is political domination and control and the belief that the state can achieve any goal that he feels are necessary.

I personally can not remember that anyone ever said to me: "Hey Mike, those damn Homeless "or" I want an unsafe neighborhood. "Or" I want to dirty toilets. "Or" I want to rampant drug abuse, "
I'm not sure if this has been tested empirically, but I'm pretty sure that most people want to help the homeless, heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the elderly, create peace and prosperity.
But the question that is forgotten is, "How will these be achieved through statism" - A system of political domination and control and the belief that any goal can be achieved by the State

The State by scarcely any resources from customs, compared with the free market, which we, by the way, now do not have. The state has no independent source of income - it is not supplied themselves So, where do politicians get the money to achieve these goals? If the pathological, parasitic bureaucrats, whom we call politicians need money they need to extort the population. These beautiful people sign documents, laws that make it sound as if their actions are morally justifiable. They hire men to steal for them and make it is as if the job is heroic. It is, of course, is not a voluntary funding. You do not have the possibility to choose whether to participate in this pyramid scheme or not. The more laws, the more you have to pay.

If you break one of the tens of thousands arbitrarily invented protectionist trade regulations, to set you in a fine.

a penalty. Just as Al Capone.

If you refuse to pay this penalty, the threat to refuse to submit to, they send their paid mercenaries to kidnap you and keep you in a cage. This again requires more tax theft to cover the costs. In these cages, the guards tortured the prisoners, unnecessary. If you try to protect your family and to defend against interference, you will executed like pigs to the slaughter.

After the smoke has died down, several things become clear. Every law in the statist society ... is a weapon. Every law is a threat of the use of force and weapons are everywhere. We now see things as they really are. Control of theft, prohibition and crime without victims are street wars, lobbying is bribery, protectionism regulations are for the benefit of corporations, war is murder, terrorism is statism, statism is slavery.

It's not as if the state could feed each child. No one pays social security contributions because he is pleased with the results. You give what you have, because you would not go to jail. Why? Everyone would give the money to better a private charitable foundation as the state - as private as anything in a statist system can ever be - because they know that their money will be used much more effectively than through the bureaucratic black hole of the state. As children we were

we have been taught anyone to beat, not to steal, to respect others. Great principles should be followed more frequently. However, when we grow up, things seem to change.


See What most adults today, as reality is nothing more than hitting, pushing, Stealing, kicking, screaming, threats, and, well ... you know what I mean.

Many people believe that just because the state sets up persistent monopolies in certain industries, it should be so. The altruism is at work here either - what more could not be farther from the truth. Although the days of the Enlightenment and industrialization have scrapped most of the traditional taboos, many people still believe in magic powers and magic. They believe that if only enough people want something that would be true, then it is true. They believe that the signatures of politicians have magical powers that go far beyond all others. Who are these people still depend on such a Voodoo? There are no wizards, witches and sorcerers. Unfortunately, many of them politicians, the oligarchs, bureaucrats, kings, senators, presidents ... and voters. They believe that just because you're a law called "social security law," it creates social security. They believe that the signing of a document can stop the hunger, can stop the law decrees that homelessness or drug addiction, stop the pages and pages of parchment or oligarchs can protect the unborn. They never see the weapon with which they are aimed at everyone, including himself

When abortion clinics do not want to co-finance, go to jail. If you do not want the peaceful people are arrested because they carry with them the wrong plants, they are arrested. If you pay the torture did not want to throw you in a cage. If you do not pay unnecessary and inhumane wars overseas do you go to jail.

Begin to recognize in what a farm, you were born? believe a farm on which most of the housemates government alchemy to be killed in their own narcissism can.

The truth: There is no magic! Politicians have no magical signatures, no magic wands. Only weapons, and men to enforce their will. In many cases, they act without thinking about those ever they authorize.
There is no difference between statism and a bat. They both have the same goals and make use of the same methods. Use coercion to achieve both what they want.

The Non-Aggression Principle teaches that people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as they violate the rights of others not so. Where there is no victim, there is no crime. Statism is nothing more than the undermining of the rights of a negative minority by the majority.

Most people think anarchy is chaos, even if I find anything chaotic as a megalomaniac guide is defined by political weaklings. If I were you take the right to decide what to eat every day, would you hurry your "food anarchy" calls back. Oh, I know it sounds scary. How can we trust the people just decide to which they satisfy their hunger? I think they see: That's just stupid. People who want to have anarchy, the same goals as those who support the statism. They want peace and prosperity. The difference? You will want to retain control over their own lives rather than their responsibilities in a violent and tyrannical system to unload.

The statism is an outdated system that we inherited from the cavemen. Let us briefly at the time of slavery, only one hundred and seventy years ago now. It's not as if slavery could be reformed. Could you imagine slavery advocate for less? Of course not! They would demand the complete abolition of slavery.

The statism is slavery and statism must be abolished completely. If the system is once you see this as what it is, there is a virtuous man ... no way back.

Comment: Shanklin describes perfectly the perversion of the statist System, which is the reason why I post his video here and I have translated. I agree with Shanklin solution of anarchy, but from various reasons not agree that I will explain in more detail elsewhere. The alternative to the belief that government can solve every problem is certainly not the government can not solve any problem and should be. As so often is good and right in the middle ...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eggless Cake Store Houston

Yes, I live! Cute

Hello my friends, I have indeed written to
twoheartsonepassion it here first will be a bit quiet but I was now but the blogging packed. I've hardly reported, the
I know I'm sorry. I did not have so the desire to blog but I have it now, yes.

So what are special to tell?
The moving date is set! On Feb 25, I finally pull my darling
away from RLP after BAYERN (!

On March 7, I have a job interview and, yes, I finally am 18

That was really too short and just the latest of me.
Oh yet from what I've been 2 months & a Deviantartaccount now finally uploaded images. To the account you comes here, I would be super happy about being monitored, and new Comments! :) I also link at the top of the bar

For conclusion, also a picture
today I was with my brother in the Cologne Zoo giraffes and yes yes I think everyone is familiar. On twoheartsonepassion I also have a small collage and the rest of the zoo, of course, pictures Created: Deviantart

Sample Opening Prayer In A Thesis Defense

180 ° in 180 words - Issue 5

Today: The weapon marks the free citizens

As might be expected, our politically correct pundits once again on the demonizing of a direct democratic Decision in Switzerland. This time it's about something which is particularly bizarre for them: private gun ownership. Switzerland has a militia army, once in practice, although the U.S. commitment clear in its constitution to Militia.

Calls Who of private gun ownership should be abolished in the drive the same reasons as those which demand the death penalty: The right to life come from the state, and because this is so, only the state can defend withdraw it or .

The truth is that every individual has the inalienable right to his life. This right may neither the state nor by the people be withdrawn. If this is attempted, there is a right of resistance, and therefore can not be resisted, has the right to own a gun and carry. The weapon in the hands of a free people symbolizes freedom. And if free people find themselves together in order to defend themselves against a threat, they defend their collective rights to life and form a militia.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jeep Liberty Shocks Or Struts

180 ° in 180 words - Issue 4

Today: Extreme clauses

right to complain, not without reason, that's too much of the funding in the fight against enemies of the constitution the right hand of enemies of the constitution left. Links demands more money for the fight against any law the middle and condemned the extremism clause as "Stasi" method. "About Fidelity to the Constitution?" In the fight for the constitution?

Is it really the government's job to convey an opinion, to suppress the other? Is it not much more life, liberty and property protected? If an opinion directly attacking one of these goods, for example by inciting a crowd, has a right to intervene, for the protection of goods of the One, for example, freedom of opinion, should not be to the detriment of another. That while the State provides funds available which are then used the legal rights of a Restrict citizen is not only a disproportionate restriction of freedom of speech but also an incredibly dangerous tool in the hands of an executive - Parts and heersche.

We need a freeze on all programs aimed at controlling public opinion and not a "war law" and not "extremism" clause.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jibjab Account Löschen

"It's destiny," he said. Fernando Torres Liverpool

If you say so, Nando ...


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Doube Finger Ring Wholesale

180 ° in 180 words - Issue 3

Today: The Egyptian lion

While the Egyptian people finally rose against Mubarak come, like the first attempts of Western and Middle Eastern countries in the internal affairs Egypt interfere. Will invite Israel, obviously not ganzselbstlos that Mubarak should be further supported by the West and to this end the government sends a charge equal weapons. The International Socialists sent by the UN with the backing of the banking cartel, Mohammed El Baradei on the grid, so he steals the Egyptians their revolution.

As a people through free association with each other will decide who is part of the people, it also decides on who it is ready to be governed. Thomas Paine said: "A government, even the best part is no longer as a necessary evil, the worst is intolerable." The Egyptians have turned against their government, a the worst was collected. But the state is its citizens always a wolf, and it takes a nation of lions, not lambs to hit him in irons.

Now is the time for Egyptians to forge their own destiny, or all the other global players, sheep lead to the same, leave.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kode Secrete Monopoly Spongebob]


So he really did it. He REALLY did it!! He left us. Our Golden Boy left us and is now a ... is now a .... Chelsea player. He is now Drogba's mate! This sounds like a nightmare, this looks like a nightmare, feels like a nightmare ... it is a bloody nightmare.

No Torres goal for us anymore? Now he's going to play against us. Against Pepe, against Stevie, against Carra ... against his mates and friends. And he will score goals against us. And we will hate him for that, oh yes, we will.

I'm now at a "top-level" club, he said. Really, Nando? Are those really your words? Do you FEEL it? What do you feel anyway? And why are you even smiling in here???? "Happy to be a Blue", he said. Happy to be a Blue?????!!!!!! Please, spare us, Fernando, don't make us feel worse Than We Already Do ...

Happy days

I'm not gonna lie if I say I am Devastated ... How Could You, Fer, How Could You?!

Well, good luck. Thank you for Everything ... Thanks for everything, thanks for the memories and good luck. We will always love you, and from now on Also hate you, Equally.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Wife Thong One The Beach

monstr - The Design Contest!

Hello dear,
as the title suggests, it is Cute to the Monstr - Design Contest
a great thing to which I can only advise all graphics enthusiasts!

Designed along!

your design
Anyone can submit one or more designs. The design should fit the cute monstR Style (dinosaurs, monsters, animals, typo).

Submission information can
for sending her our T-shirt template to use that you can download below. Of course you can design your imagine completely different, the main thing is to recognize it well. For submission would a JPG file of about 1000 x 500 px.

print data
It is best if you design in a size have from 3000 px / 3000px / 300 dpi or vector graphics on hand if it is printed. If you have submitted a drawing that will possibly be modified somewhat.

There is no deadline. to

The template

Have fun, I ask questions themselves also take part, my video is this:

you I would be grateful if I am to infinity would vote. But just click on the 'like mir' button. The prerequisite is of course a FB account. Do not feel like this detour? Simply click here. Thanks in advance to support me <3 und viel Glück an die, die selbst mitmachen! :)

Best wishes and have a nice day

Monday, January 17, 2011

Shani House In Kundli

At least it was not a defeat

We could have won this one easily. We could have sent Everton home with zero points. But instead we drew them, or better said: we let them draw us 2:2 and lost 2 points. In the first half we played some decent football. We pushed forward and we had some very good chances to score. In fact, we should have&nbsp;went into the injury time 3:0 up. Well, if we didn't miss the chances. There&nbsp;you've got it again:&nbsp;our famous lack of luck which is hanging above our heads like a&nbsp;deep black cloud ...&nbsp;However, although we're disappointed with the result there are some positives. The first one: at least it's not a defeat. At least we picked up this one point. It is still better than a zero. After the match Kenny said:

"We are happy with the way we are playing," said the Liverpool manager. "When there is a change in management there is a change in philosophy, training and how you prepare for matches and players have to adapt to that. They've got to believe in what we are doing and I think you can see the belief is coming back."

This is all true. We finally&nbsp;played a different football, we finally played well. Which is the second positive. Although we should have played like this&nbsp;throughout &nbsp;the&nbsp;match. It's good to go into the break leading, but there is always the danger of switching off, being to confident and losing the concentration. That's what happened with us yesterday. After Raul's goal, which&nbsp;gave us&nbsp;us the lead, we just switched off ...&nbsp;This is a&nbsp;wrong attitude which cost us the victory.
We are moving into the right direction ... this draw&nbsp;was&nbsp;just a start. The next aim is a win. It has to be ...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mercury Tv Tuner Card Driver Saa7130hl

Not really happy today.

Hey dear,
I'm having the time to also write to once again, have not participated in the contest really many people, too bad. But since I do not those who have been through will leave empty-handed, I share this e-mail that is private with how it will proceed with the profits, etc., and will inform the donor is still great!
It is a pity, but thanks again to that they made with.

Otherwise, where was I so long? Sure, it was Christmas, New Year and it was no sign of life from me. My darling was with me to visit and even New Year's Eve and I went to him. Since yesterday evening I am back home. Here's flood! Although I live only 5 minutes away from the Rhine, but am probably still far enough away.

I have two webcam photos stored on our weather webcam one before Christmas and one day, here the comparison

It was when I last did sometimes looked less water on our German Corner prop and should be completely gone today. Well anyway: D

So that's basically it again, the contest participants should have received an email no later than 19h.

LG Lilly

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Black Dots In Paper From Hl 2142

Roy Hodgson out, King Kenny

Breaking news! Liverpool FC confirmed today that manager Roy Hodgson has left the club by mutual consent. We have been waiting for this so long. Now it's official: King Kenny is back in charge!

Principal Owner John Henry commented: "We are grateful for Roy's efforts over the past six months, but both parties thought it in the best interests of the club that he stand down from his position as team manager. We wish him all the best for the future."

Roy Hodgson said:&nbsp;" Being asked to manage Liverpool Football Club was a great privilege. Any manager would be honoured to manage a club with such an incredible history, such embedded tradition and such an amazing set of fans. Liverpool is one of the great clubs in world football.&nbsp;I have, however, found the last few months some of the most challenging of my career. I am very sad not to have been able to put my stamp on the squad, to be given the time to bring new players into the club in this transfer window and to have been able to be part of the rebuilding process at Liverpool.&nbsp;The club has some great, world-class players, with whom it has been a pleasure to work and I wish the entire squad well for the rest of the season. I thank those with whom I have built up a close working relationship at the club for their loyalty and support during very testing times, and finally of course to the Liverpool fans, your passion and dedication to the club will see Liverpool at the top of the game once more."&nbsp;

Club legend Kenny Dalglish will assume control of team matters for Sunday's third round FA Cup tie against Manchester United at Old Trafford.

Henry added: "We are delighted that Kenny Dalglish has agreed to step in and manage the team for Sunday's FA Cup tie at Old Trafford and for the remainder of the season.

"Kenny was not just a legendary footballer, he was the third of our three most successful managers - three giants. We are extraordinarily fortunate and grateful that he has decided to step in during the middle of this season."

Chairman Tom Werner said: &nbsp;"No one who cares for this great club has been happy with the way this season has unfolded and we have examined options and considered at length what is best for us going forward. Kenny will bring considerable e xperience to the position and provide management and leadership for the rest of the season."

Roy, wherever you go now and whatever are you up to now: good luck! It just did not work.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bluetooth Sticks Driver

Thommy & Heikki

sovereign Thomas Morgenstern decided the Four Hills tournament in 2011. The last victory was won by a Norwegian Tom Hilde won in Bischofshofen before the Austrians. But that's the end does not matter. CONGRATULATIONS, Thomas! amandoiloss believed in you. ; -9

And then here ...

... I'm really jealous. Thomas and Heikki Kovalainen. :-)

Photo: @ H_Kovalainen

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pinky Pon Star Wikipedia

180 ° in 180 words - Issue 2

Today: nationalization of private pensions Irish

As part of the efforts of Ireland are to get back on its feet now, the National Pension Funds used by the government to plug budget holes. These bunkers is a private pension fund in which investors for their retirement money. The expropriation of these funds is a crime.

The state breaks here the legal contracts of the Irish investors with a private contractor. The state makes itself no less than a vulgar street thief if he engages in the ownership of people without legal basis and without the consent of the citizens. In Ireland, shows the "strong state" that is currently, in which he is good: In the business of the club. As it says on the playground, "Give me your pocket money or are there kick!"

The role of government is the life, liberty and property to protect the people. If the state is not only no longer meets its responsibilities, but they violates, he legitimized himself against a practicing state without legitimacy is not only the right but the duty to resist. Like every citizen should practice his resistance is up the imagination ...

€ 10bn may be deployed from pension fund, says Minister

Europe's reaction to crisis perplexing and unfocused

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Email The Arrival Of New Baby

180 ° in 180 - Issue 1

Inspired by Mike Shanklin "180 ° in 180 Seconds "I will now regularly" make 180 ° in 180 words "and every time I deal with topics from the current discourse, and this in only 180 words in a mainstream deviating from 180 ° Perspective view. Enough talk, here we go!

180 ° in 180 - Today: Dioxin scandal!

Once again, a food scandal! Dioxin in animal feed. First Ring: More controls are needed. Here, the food control in Germany are as sharp and extensively than in any other country. Admittedly, in particular the EU is trying to weaken the German Food controls more, but: Is it ever check the role of government, the quality of produced goods in a market economy?

A highly centralized supervisory body creates Lobbyists, only the necessary starting point. Instead of each intermediary must be lubricated individually, retailers and consumers alike rely blindly on the quality of the product, because Uncle Sam has indeed given his blessing.

on the open market every day and quality check every producer is aware that he is in constant competition with other competing for the favor of customers. If in Asterix village once again to hear the Verleihnix fish stink because they are not fresh, it will either try to bring the defect or will soon be supplanted by better fishmonger. This is already clear what is missing: the call through Village. So: In the future, but no calls for more controls on trial with the producer.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Antibiotics Causes Cloudy Urine

minority thinking - the ugly face of racism

women are increasingly recognized as part of the emancipation of more rights and benefits. "Advantages?" Will ask the interested reader now. "Women have been disadvantaged by the nature, we compensate for it now. Because we still do not about all the same right? "Something like that would be the typical reaction. Let's look at the issue more closely to determine whether this argument is justified.

First of all, the tolerable theme of "all men are equal "or" all men are created equal by their Creator to be "clarified. With "like" is not equality, understood in the sense of uniformity, but the equality of rights. If all men are created equal by their Creator, it means that he used in the creation of all people the same way and made no exceptions. With its creation, all people are equal. You did not receive legal benefits of their birth. "Equal" always refers to the equality.

When I say "Anna should have more rights than man Benny, for she is a woman" I say in an abstract way: "A has more rights than B because A is a member of X." This abstraction could also form the following facts: "Adolf has more rights than Benjamin, for Adolf is an Aryan." I am well clear that the minority of the Aryans, except the American Indian tribe of the same name does not exist. Similarly, there are no minority woman or man, or black, or homosexual.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens, modern man broken down into many subgroups. It is divided according to biological characteristics such as race, gender, age, and even weight and muscle mass, according to social Factors such as merit or class in which he was born, with whom he has sexual intercourse, as he believes in what god or gods and how he or she worships. This is just an excerpt, but these are all properties.

If we assign people minorities because they have certain characteristics that we atomize society. First, limits on women, then single women, then homosexual single mothers, etc. A society which is increasingly fragmented only of lonely souls.

There are no minorities, only individuals with features. Instead to isolate herself because of the differences of these properties and split into smaller subgroups, we must recognize that we all have something in common: we are human. As human beings we are individuals. Even identical twins are never so that we can speak of an exact copy.

is if in old documents and writings of talk about equality, it's always about that all men are created equal. We get our rights because we are not black or white, or green, Muslim or Jew, are heterosexual or gay. We get our rights because we are human.

additional groups of people if we Grant rights just because they all have a certain characteristic in common, that means all other people discriminate. Thinking in groups of collectivism, and that is only the smiling visage of racism. If we accept instead that all men are equally blessed with the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, then we give everyone the same law, a fact of life and his fortune to find. If we recognize each person as a unique individual, then racism will disappear from the earth.

The correct answer to the question from the beginning is: "If you want that all are equal, you will not need any" cons " balance, because we are already all the same. You have to do only one thing. Recognizing that we are all equal "

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Should You Stay Home With Bronchitis

Project: Constitutional Convention

In a sudden flash of inspiration I had the idea to work out just once a constitution for the Federal Republic. I am happy to invite all want to make a contribution to a drain or simply their views do.

So much for now to Part I of my constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany have come to differ


The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany


We, the German people, in the centuries the division has become strong, but in the decades of unity, pride by the size of our actions, but modest and humble by our mistakes, recognize them as universal truths that all people have the same inalienable right of full property gifted to her person, should therefore be that every person is free to proceed with his life as he thinks that what he creates with his own hands his property and that any violence against a person and his property, theft of its property and therefore is wrong. We, the German people, give us this Constitution to establish a State whose character on the solid foundation of these truths is based, at this to preserve for ourselves and our posterity.

part I [The Federation]

Article 1 [creation of the Federation]

(1) The sovereign states of Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg and the free cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are the free will of a covenant for the common protection and the promotion of trade. (2) This covenant is called "Federal Republic of Germany."

Art 2 [Colors of the Federation]

(1) The colors of the Federation are black, red and gold. {(2) Federal Capital is Berlin. {with the omitted 01/05/2011]}

Article 3 [of Germany and scope of the Constitution]

(1) The sovereign states and free cities of the Federation, hereinafter referred to as provinces, are the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. (2) other sovereign countries can join the league by law if it is the desire of their people. (3) This Constitution is only valid on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Article 4 [a citizen]

The sum of the indigenous to the peoples of Germany is the country people of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Article 5 [State violence]

(1) The { State power of the Federal Republic is the one section of the People of the Federal Republic, the other from the provinces. {}} Changed to the 22/02/2011 (2) The league meets this violence in a divided legislature, an executive and a legislative gesetzauslegende violence.

{Art 6 [law]
(1) Any reservation made through an institution of the Federal act must be made on the basis of a law. (2) Each issued by the Federation law applies equally to any who resides in the jurisdiction of the Basic Law. {02/12/2011}} added to the

Article 7 [of powers of the Federation]

(1) Federal States delegate to the federal government through explicit mention of the skills in which he may adopt law. (2) An extension of powers to the Federal Constitution requires a change. (3) Each without the necessary competence issued by the Federation Act is void. {Legislative powers to the Federal now Article 23}

Article 8 [tax]

(1) The federal government can levy taxes directly from the people. (2) The financing of the tasks performed by the federal direct taxation of the provinces. (3) Any tax collected will require the approval of the federal states and the federal people. {(4) of the federal government levies taxes of the states have in all provinces equally, but be levied in proportion to the number of underrepresented citizens. {02/12/2011}} added to the

Article 9 [International Law] {formerly} Art.6

, the generally recognized rules of international law as binding elements of the German Federal Law.