statism is slavery - Statism is Slavery Disclaimer: The opinions of this video do not necessarily reflect my opinions. The content of the video features Mike Shanklin responsible. The translation is done by me.
Many people today have trouble to understand how society works. Although they detect that something was wrong, even if they do not understand the root cause of these problems well. The reason for this is that it is often difficult to grasp something that the opposite is our education and conditioning. In some cases, individuals hold firmly to the political system to create in the great hope of a better system. The question we must ask is: "What is this system? Which enable and support these people?
The answer? Statism.
The definition of statism from Merriam Webster. "Concentration of economic control and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government, often with ownership of industry by the government"
statism is a philosophy, a political movement describes what the state uses to achieve goals. Statism is political domination and control and the belief that the state can achieve any goal that he feels are necessary.
I personally can not remember that anyone ever said to me: "Hey Mike, those damn Homeless "or" I want an unsafe neighborhood. "Or" I want to dirty toilets. "Or" I want to rampant drug abuse, "
I'm not sure if this has been tested empirically, but I'm pretty sure that most people want to help the homeless, heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the elderly, create peace and prosperity.
But the question that is forgotten is, "How will these be achieved through statism" - A system of political domination and control and the belief that any goal can be achieved by the State
The State by scarcely any resources from customs, compared with the free market, which we, by the way, now do not have. The state has no independent source of income - it is not supplied themselves So, where do politicians get the money to achieve these goals? If the pathological, parasitic bureaucrats, whom we call politicians need money they need to extort the population. These beautiful people sign documents, laws that make it sound as if their actions are morally justifiable. They hire men to steal for them and make it is as if the job is heroic. It is, of course, is not a voluntary funding. You do not have the possibility to choose whether to participate in this pyramid scheme or not. The more laws, the more you have to pay.
If you break one of the tens of thousands arbitrarily invented protectionist trade regulations, to set you in a fine.
a penalty. Just as Al Capone.
If you refuse to pay this penalty, the threat to refuse to submit to, they send their paid mercenaries to kidnap you and keep you in a cage. This again requires more tax theft to cover the costs. In these cages, the guards tortured the prisoners, unnecessary. If you try to protect your family and to defend against interference, you will executed like pigs to the slaughter.
After the smoke has died down, several things become clear. Every law in the statist society ... is a weapon. Every law is a threat of the use of force and weapons are everywhere. We now see things as they really are. Control of theft, prohibition and crime without victims are street wars, lobbying is bribery, protectionism regulations are for the benefit of corporations, war is murder, terrorism is statism, statism is slavery.
It's not as if the state could feed each child. No one pays social security contributions because he is pleased with the results. You give what you have, because you would not go to jail. Why? Everyone would give the money to better a private charitable foundation as the state - as private as anything in a statist system can ever be - because they know that their money will be used much more effectively than through the bureaucratic black hole of the state. As children we were
we have been taught anyone to beat, not to steal, to respect others. Great principles should be followed more frequently. However, when we grow up, things seem to change.
See What most adults today, as reality is nothing more than hitting, pushing, Stealing, kicking, screaming, threats, and, well ... you know what I mean.
Many people believe that just because the state sets up persistent monopolies in certain industries, it should be so. The altruism is at work here either - what more could not be farther from the truth. Although the days of the Enlightenment and industrialization have scrapped most of the traditional taboos, many people still believe in magic powers and magic. They believe that if only enough people want something that would be true, then it is true. They believe that the signatures of politicians have magical powers that go far beyond all others. Who are these people still depend on such a Voodoo? There are no wizards, witches and sorcerers. Unfortunately, many of them politicians, the oligarchs, bureaucrats, kings, senators, presidents ... and voters. They believe that just because you're a law called "social security law," it creates social security. They believe that the signing of a document can stop the hunger, can stop the law decrees that homelessness or drug addiction, stop the pages and pages of parchment or oligarchs can protect the unborn. They never see the weapon with which they are aimed at everyone, including himself
When abortion clinics do not want to co-finance, go to jail. If you do not want the peaceful people are arrested because they carry with them the wrong plants, they are arrested. If you pay the torture did not want to throw you in a cage. If you do not pay unnecessary and inhumane wars overseas do you go to jail.
Begin to recognize in what a farm, you were born? believe a farm on which most of the housemates government alchemy to be killed in their own narcissism can.
The truth: There is no magic! Politicians have no magical signatures, no magic wands. Only weapons, and men to enforce their will. In many cases, they act without thinking about those ever they authorize.
There is no difference between statism and a bat. They both have the same goals and make use of the same methods. Use coercion to achieve both what they want.
The Non-Aggression Principle teaches that people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as they violate the rights of others not so. Where there is no victim, there is no crime. Statism is nothing more than the undermining of the rights of a negative minority by the majority.
Most people think anarchy is chaos, even if I find anything chaotic as a megalomaniac guide is defined by political weaklings. If I were you take the right to decide what to eat every day, would you hurry your "food anarchy" calls back. Oh, I know it sounds scary. How can we trust the people just decide to which they satisfy their hunger? I think they see: That's just stupid. People who want to have anarchy, the same goals as those who support the statism. They want peace and prosperity. The difference? You will want to retain control over their own lives rather than their responsibilities in a violent and tyrannical system to unload.
The statism is an outdated system that we inherited from the cavemen. Let us briefly at the time of slavery, only one hundred and seventy years ago now. It's not as if slavery could be reformed. Could you imagine slavery advocate for less? Of course not! They would demand the complete abolition of slavery.
The statism is slavery and statism must be abolished completely. If the system is once you see this as what it is, there is a virtuous man ... no way back.
Comment: Shanklin describes perfectly the perversion of the statist System, which is the reason why I post his video here and I have translated. I agree with Shanklin solution of anarchy, but from various reasons not agree that I will explain in more detail elsewhere. The alternative to the belief that government can solve every problem is certainly not the government can not solve any problem and should be. As so often is good and right in the middle ...