Thursday, December 10, 2009

Marriage Koozie Sayings

bullying hysteria?

This phenomenon is rare but it exists.
In some systems of work are employees after they have already forgotten the first time an information share accused of bullying. In some schools are quite offensive, Jostling and teasing classified as bullying. Playgrounds can be heard at times even the words "Oooh, the bullying me."

these systems are particularly sensitive to the subject matter?
If the parties, the definition of bullying known?
If the language then unconsciously inappropriate?
Or there is the system a great fear of bullying cases
and therefore an increased sensitivity?

There are now an article by Carmen Graef under time online .



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

''brazillian Or French Wax

Hey Hey

Lange posted anything. Have a lot up to my ears. Have arrived super in Frankfurt. Many friends found and at work is also all right. I now work at the daycare center at Owl Mountain and feel as well. Hab da super Kollleginnen and the group of children came together well. Let's see what is in the next time so I should slow ergibt.Vielleicht even think of an engagement. I founded with some other friends a chess section in low-Erlenbach. Host are very successful and it is great fun.
Well, see you soon!

I salute my father, my mother and especially my parents!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Heart Failure Spironolactone Ramipril

interior minister Heribert Rech: "If bullying is: zero tolerance"

20.11.2009: Prevention Award 2010 for the issue of bullying

starts under the motto "! Bullying looked the + = gone through" the Interior Ministry in cooperation with the Retail Association of Baden-Württemberg, the Ministry of Culture, the city and the municipality day and the Police Baden-Württemberg for the seventh time the country-wide prevention contest started. "With the issue of bullying this year we conduct aware at the center, for there should be room in our society have no place. The reality is unfortunately different -. In the world of children and adolescents "The interior minister Heribert Rech said on Friday 20 November 2009 in Stuttgart.

bullying know many facets. Bullied will, who was different from the leaders or the majority in a group. Reasons for this are easy to find: too fat, too quiet, too ambitious or just too "uncool". Frequently rich even the fact not to wear designer clothes or stocking the latest phone. Acts of bullying are not confined to social exclusion. It is more even for crimes such as insults, damage, injury or extortion, robbery and sexual harassment. Some will the humiliation of victims increased by the fact that physical attacks filmed by mobile phone, the Internet would be made or sent to others. "Those affected suffer greatly from the effects of these attacks and harassment often feel helpless and alone. Here the environment is required: look and act - a principle in our society must continue to gain momentum again, "said Rech

In the current competition should prevent children and young people aged twelve to 18 years in school, club, youth groups or with the help of their parents deal with the causes, motives, possible forms, consequences and ways to prevent bullying.
The subject could, for example, short plays, videos, pictures, stories, Scripts or their own songs are picked up. This was the Prevention Prize 2010, an addition to the nationwide school project "bullying-free school - together his class," the Ministry of Culture and the technician Insurance Baden-Wuerttemberg. As an attractive incentive would total 100 children and adolescents for the best ideas on 15 July 2010 together in the Europa Park in Rust, and invited there for their excellent performance.
As a special bonus would be giving away iPods at the awards among the winners of five high. "For bullying and its criminal aspects of the principle applies zero tolerance. I am convinced that in our children and young people Country will again produce creative contributions that will lead their peers but also with so many adults to a wow effect, "the interior minister.

more information and entry forms for the prevention of competition "looked the other way participated in bullying + =" to the retail association, Baden-Württemberg unterinfo@ehv-baden-wuerttemberg.deangefordert or on the website of the police for children and young people be downloaded

deadline is 30 April 2010.

information on the project "bullying-free school - class to be together" is available at www.gewaltpraevention

also note: you support your own website or want the Prevention Prize 2010 with a display active? The logo for a link and a filler ad in print quality are under free to download.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sample Effectivly Welcome At Church

Ministry of Education and hosts health insurance new project to prevent violence in schools

"Bullying is now unfortunately a mass phenomenon. If we succeed in establishing the schools anti-bullying culture, if we make our children strong and help them, others involve rather than individual to exclude, we have achieved a lot, "said Dr. John Brunkhorst, head of the TK-state representation of Schleswig-Holstein. "It is important that all those involved in school - students, teachers and parents - while pulling together "More at: /

Friday, October 23, 2009

Does Nicotine Gum Hurt Teeth

Chancellor Angela Merkel to 361 degrees tolerance - and bullying ...?

* **

hands-on action against bullying:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chicco Caddy Travel Cot

It smells of revolution ...

While in Germany, the FDJ secretary for propaganda and agitation Merkel and hohlebirnige cartoon character Westerwelle brainless zombie mass of Germans probably brought once again to have the existing political system, to support their participation, it looks on the other side of the pond after revolution. The second time since 1776, seems to get louder and louder while yelling every lie and appeasement, the established political and economic elites, to the ground from the multi-cultural melting pot of 13 (+37) New England colonies, the call for freedom. People see through the lying left-right mode of thinking that only serves to limit the political debate to a very narrow defined area. They denounce as more than 200 years, "Taxation without representation" that is "taxation without representation" to.

"When addressed a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object to a stop on the day she puts [people] to them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future grant. " - Declaration of Independence (July 4th 1776)

The need to meet this responsibility, the Americans seem to be aware of now. How sad that, once again, they are by their country's front line between freedom and Tyranei runs. But our ranks while reinforcing the ranks of the oppressors only shrink. And so I am hopeful that our endeavor to bring all of humanity the freedom to be a successful will.

Addendum: visited, contrary to the official presentation of the media, the demonstration in Washington DC by "several thousand" running out of realistic estimates of 500000-1000000 demonstrators. The U.S. is undeniably in a period of upheaval. The immensely high expectations for Obama and the political reality of an establishment puppet have become for the Americans to painful fall from the bed. Obama is hated as never before. But at this point it is important not to moor at the criticism of the person Obama. can be from that, it such a fast criticism wrongly portrayed as racist, they also completely misses the target. We do not want a new puppet! We want a competition of ideas and if there is an idea which today is used, then it is the idea that all men are created free and equal in rights. It is the idea of freedom ...
Addendum: DHS Deparment ( of Homeland Security) announced well over foreign media to an amount of 2 million demonstrators.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Lease Expiration Letter Sample

The end of the wage labor

A central point of the Liberals, Social Democrats and Socialists will probably never understand that the state is never productive. Social benefits come about only through the redistribution of capital from the productive sector in the unproductive sector. But what our business is about? Is it about creating jobs? Nothing is easier: hole heap up - fill in holes. No, the purpose of all economic activity is productive and that more and more with less and less use of labor and Raw materials. The goal of all economic activity is wealth without work. Consequently, this development is even the stated goal of the Socialists, to create working towards.

What should you do? Well, we humans are terrible experience is to go against nature and their ways. Whether it's building to be built extra strong to withstand wind and earthquake machines or the work place explosive implosive. Now, instead of against the will of the economy to create wealth without work, to work, one should question what the work place today is so vital in our society with the economic principles of fundamental is fought. It is the reward. People strive for work, at least in the first instance, at the wage as their livelihood. But if it were provided for the livelihood, people would go to work? Would the people working on the creation of pure joy?

goes to work The will of the people out, at least for more than 90% of the wage. If it had provided for my livelihood, would go to work more than 90% but still a significant proportion would reorient professional. This is consistent with surveys of the revelations that a considerable proportion of the working population in Germany is not satisfied with their jobs.

combination of the tax system would be a radical change a system that covers possible for every citizen of Germany, regardless of age, an income that provides the basic human needs. Through this system could now immensely more pressing issues are resolved in pleasure. If we think away all taxes and we assume we have a consumption tax of 33%. This would, such as VAT are today, be added to the prices and paid by the companies. VAT is in itself a very anti-social control because the poorer citizens have a relatively high proportion of consumption to income and therefore have a higher tax burden, while the wealthier citizens a relatively small proportion of their income spend on consumption. Now, suppose you the proceeds of this consumption tax share by the number of all citizens in Germany and throw it at the beginning of the next month as a tax deduction in the form of an unconditional basic income that would have all citizens, whether unemployed or poor revenue that to cover their basic expenses sufficient . First verkonsumieren citizens more than they begin to receive basic income to pay taxes. And citizens with a higher consumption share it many be as many but the basic income for their living but not enough for a nice car or a house is. But if the wealth in society is growing so with such a system will benefit all and not just the richest.

Let's look again at the federal budget. For 2009 plans, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Expenditure in the amount € 123.5 billion. It is the expenditure on social benefits by SGB I, II & III, pension payments, etc. All these services would be rendered superfluous by a basic income. A pension which is higher than the basic income can be emancipated only to work periods work out a private pension. € 123.5 billion could be saved this year! Of course, the revenue lost by the state of the 19% and 7% VAT. expected to be received.

working which I am begenet in connection with the issue of utilization of social security systems by illegal and legal immigration, the deterioration of such a basic income by immigration or local origination of "loafers" is. In many expositions of the concept of unconditional basic income, I came across fixed amounts like 600 € or 1200 € per month. I think of such fixed amounts nothing that they turn off self-regulatory system. If the "lazy rate" increase in the country, reduced the basic income. The gravitational effect of the idlers is down and the brain drain or the work will increase, productivity and consumer spending to grow again and thus the basic income. It is therefore not a beggar's gift as HartzIV but for a share of the profits of the productive economy, Germany.

An additional important aspect is the way the basic income is concluded. This fact is the fundamental difference to social redistribution systems such as those apparent in SGB. While these are collected from the taxes on the income honestly acquired the productive sector, the share of income from the consumption of all citizens will be financed. While there is, can escape at least not by legal means, the taxes on their work, it's everyone's freedom to decide how much they want to consume and therefore dissipate how many taxes he wants. No one is in a direct way taken anything but each is given.

Any modern economy will have to deal with the issue of separation of wage and work. The earlier this happens the better, because every nation of the rapid development of rationalization-related unemployment is ignored in future, have an immensely widening gap of poverty and wealth. The first tender excesses Entwicklugn this are already visible. Such a social climate creates the perfect breeding ground for extremist ideas and leaders. And where the geführ us that can read in every history book ...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hotmail Went To Small Letters

The Philosopher's Stone

The Chinese lend the U.S. money which they then can buy all the nice things that make the Chinese. Why does it work? This can keep the Chinese people their jobs! And then come the Americans to complain and you took away the jobs of foreigners (which is the illegal immigrants right part). Maybe
must collapse the dollar and thus the hegemony of the United States simply to reflect the insight that one does not produce wealth in a printing press, but with his own hands.
Otherwise we would have found what mankind for thousands of years studied: the philosopher's stone.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Milena Velba Bus Gallery

The tree of liberty

This Blog with a single goal: He should give me the opportunity, anywhere and at any time, step by step, my thoughts and ideas into a functioning liberal state and Economic tswesen to collect and publish. Consequently, it is mainly going to pamphlets which explain the theory, but depending on events on the world stage, I will not take me to my personal comment to let this leave.

The title of the blog, "The tree of liberty", is derived from quotes and writings of the founding fathers especially from the United States of America that freedom is often general in pictures specifically described as a plant or a tree. The paraphrasing, I can only agree. For as a tree, the freedom of constant care does otherwise vine plants, fungi, mosses and bark beetle him piece by piece through holes and suffocate. If one cares but the tree, it protects everyone with his crown from harsh weather and can eat its fruit each. Just as a tree to free societies predominate in the storms of political and economic crises without breaking.

How such a society, in my opinion, can be created in detail, there will now be so soon on this blog.