Thursday, December 10, 2009

Marriage Koozie Sayings

bullying hysteria?

This phenomenon is rare but it exists.
In some systems of work are employees after they have already forgotten the first time an information share accused of bullying. In some schools are quite offensive, Jostling and teasing classified as bullying. Playgrounds can be heard at times even the words "Oooh, the bullying me."

these systems are particularly sensitive to the subject matter?
If the parties, the definition of bullying known?
If the language then unconsciously inappropriate?
Or there is the system a great fear of bullying cases
and therefore an increased sensitivity?

There are now an article by Carmen Graef under time online .



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

''brazillian Or French Wax

Hey Hey

Lange posted anything. Have a lot up to my ears. Have arrived super in Frankfurt. Many friends found and at work is also all right. I now work at the daycare center at Owl Mountain and feel as well. Hab da super Kollleginnen and the group of children came together well. Let's see what is in the next time so I should slow ergibt.Vielleicht even think of an engagement. I founded with some other friends a chess section in low-Erlenbach. Host are very successful and it is great fun.
Well, see you soon!

I salute my father, my mother and especially my parents!